Recruitment into Coruscant Aegis (2)Full unit name: Recruitment into Coruscant Aegis
Last updated: 17.08.2024 0:05:52
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Coruscant
Events: The Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (23)
  • Barsen'thor's Defender-class Corvette was in orbit above Coruscant
  • Barsen'thor served as Pilot
  • It was crewed by Qyzen Fess
  • C2-N2 (Barsen'thor) served as Steward and Maintenance
  • Voidhound's XS Freighter was in orbit above Coruscant
  • Voidhound served as Pilot and Captain
  • It was crewed by Corso Riggs
  • Risha Drayen was among its passengers
  • Gonk Droid was among its passengers
  • C2-N2 (Voidhound) served as Steward and Maintenance
  • Havoc Squad's BT-7 was in orbit above Port Raga
  • Meteor served as Pilot
  • It was crewed by Aric Jorgan
  • C2-N2 (Havoc Squad) served as Steward and Maintenance
  • Hero of Tython's Defender-class Corvette was in orbit above Ord Mantell
  • Hero of Tython served as Pilot
  • Kira Carsen served as Communications Officer
  • T7-O1 served as Astromech
  • C2-N2 (Hero of Tython) served as Steward and Maintenance
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Jedi, honored. Flight Commander Judin, Republic Navy. Afraid there's bad news from open space. The Imperial armada's attacking Republic assets in secret, goading us into violating the Treaty of Coruscant.
    One false move on our part, and the Republic will be blamed for igniting war.
    Yes, Master Jedi. But we'll never let them succeed. Fleet Admiral Numinn has authorized the formation of the Coruscant Aegis--an elite attack squadron meant to break the Imperial offensive, swiftly and quietly. If you're interested, I'd say you're more than qualified to join the squadron.
    I would be honored to fly with the Coruscant Aegis.
    Excellent, Master Jedi. Every pilot needs a call sign. I think "Guardian" suits you best. Every member of the Coruscant Aegis will strike independently across the galaxy. I'll upload your mission data to your ship. Silence the Imperial threat, and guard the Republic well.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Judin
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Flight Commander Judin, sir. I've heard all about Havoc Squad, and it's an honor. Afraid there's bad news from open space. The Imperial armada's attacking Republic assets in secret, goading us into violating the Treaty of Coruscant.
    The Republic's too strong to give in to their bullying.
    We're taking aims to ensure that, sir. Fleet Admiral Numinn has authorized the formation of the Coruscant Aegis--an elite attack squadron meant to break the Imperial offensive, swiftly and quietly. If you're interested, I'd say you're more than qualified to join the squadron.
    I would be honored to fly with the Coruscant Aegis.
    Glad to hear it, sir. Your call sign will be "Meteor." Just the name for a member of Havoc Squad.
    Every member of the Coruscant Aegis will strike independently across the galaxy. I'll upload your mission data to your ship. Silence the Imperial threat, and guard the Republic well.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Judin
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Jedi, honored. Flight Commander Judin, Republic Navy. Afraid there's bad news from open space. The Imperial armada's attacking Republic assets in secret, goading us into violating the Treaty of Coruscant.
    Hero of Tython
    Give in to their taunting, and the Republic will have the blood of a galaxy on its hands.
    Don't worry, Master Jedi. We're taking measures to prevent war. Fleet Admiral Numinn has authorized the formation of the Coruscant Aegis - an elite attack squadron meant to break the Imperial offensive, swiftly and quietly. If you're interested, I'd say you're more than qualified to join the squadron.
    Hero of Tython
    I would be honored to fly with the Coruscant Aegis.
    Excellent, Master Jedi. As a defender of the Republic, your call sign shall be "Shield."
    Silence the Imperial threat, and guard the Republic well.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, Judin, T7-O1
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Move along, citizen- oh, sorry, Captain. Flight Commander Judin, pleased to meet you. Afraid there's bad news from open space. The Imperial armada's attacking Republic assets in secret, goading us into violating the Treaty of Coruscant.
    Just like those Imps to avoid an open fight.
    Fleet Admiral Numinn has authorized the formation of the Coruscant Aegis--an elite attack squadron meant to break the Imperial offensive, swiftly and quietly. If you're interested, I'd say you're more than qualified to join the squadron.
    I want to be called "Crackerjack." Eh, that sounded better in my head. How about "Ace"?
    Wise choice, Captain. As for your call sign... I think "Ace" suits your nature. Every member of the Coruscant Aegis will strike independently across the galaxy. I'll upload your mission data to your ship. Silence the Imperial threat, and guard the Republic well.
  • Judin, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Risha Drayen
This event took place shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
above the planet Coruscant
Once the Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
had completed their objectives on Coruscant and departed the planet aboard their separate starships, they were contacted by Flight Commander Judin
Minor Characters (TOR)
of the Republic Navy
Republic Navy
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
. Judin asked each of the leaders to join the recently founded covert operations squadron - the Coruscant Aegis
Coruscant Aegis
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
. The formation of the squadron was authorized by Fleet Admiral Numinn
Supporting Characters
and it was meant to break the Imperial offensive, swiftly and quietly. Judin explained that each squad had to strike independently at different locations across the galaxy to break the Imperial offensive. After each squad leader of the operatives agreed to join the squadron, they were given their own unique callsigns - Meteor
Major Characters
, Ace
Major Characters
, Guardian
Major Characters
and Shield
Hero of Tython
Major Characters
See also
Related organizations
Republic NavyStructureCharactersFlight Commander JudinRanksFlight CommanderJudinWeapons and EquipmentArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.1Judin
Coruscant AegisStructureCharactersBarsen'thor (joined)Qyzen Fess (joined)Voidhound (joined)Corso Riggs (joined)Meteor (joined)Aric Jorgan (joined)Hero of Tython (joined)Kira Carsen (joined)T7-O1 (joined)
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipCoruscant AegisjoinedBarsen'thor's Defender-class CorvettePilot
Hero of TythonMembershipCoruscant AegisjoinedHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvettePilot
MeteorMembershipCoruscant AegisjoinedHavoc Squad's BT-7Pilot
VoidhoundMembershipCoruscant AegisjoinedVoidhound's XS FreighterPilot and Captain
Kira CarsenMembershipCoruscant AegisjoinedHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteCommunications Officer
Risha DrayenMembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterPassenger
Qyzen FessMembershipCoruscant AegisjoinedBarsen'thor's Defender-class Corvette
Aric JorganMembershipCoruscant AegisjoinedHavoc Squad's BT-7
Corso RiggsMembershipCoruscant AegisjoinedVoidhound's XS Freighter
JudinMembershipRepublic NavyFlight Commander JudinWeapons and EquipmentArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.1
C2-N2 (Barsen'thor)MembershipBarsen'thor's Defender-class CorvetteSteward and Maintenance
C2-N2 (Hero of Tython)MembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteSteward and Maintenance
C2-N2 (Havoc Squad)MembershipHavoc Squad's BT-7Steward and Maintenance
C2-N2 (Voidhound)MembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterSteward and Maintenance
T7-O1MembershipCoruscant AegisjoinedHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteAstromech
BMF-GNK-A01 DroidUsed by / onVoidhound's XS FreighterGonk Droid (Passenger)
Barsen'thor's Defender-class CorvetteCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersBarsen'thor (Pilot)Qyzen FessC2-N2 (Barsen'thor) (Steward and Maintenance)RolesPilotBarsen'thorMaintenanceC2-N2 (Barsen'thor)StewardC2-N2 (Barsen'thor)
Hero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersHero of Tython (Pilot)Kira Carsen (Communications Officer)T7-O1 (Astromech)C2-N2 (Hero of Tython) (Steward and Maintenance)RolesPilotHero of TythonCommunications OfficerKira CarsenAstromechT7-O1StewardC2-N2 (Hero of Tython)MaintenanceC2-N2 (Hero of Tython)
Havoc Squad's BT-7Crew, Passengers and CargoCharactersMeteor (Pilot)Aric JorganC2-N2 (Havoc Squad) (Steward and Maintenance)RolesPilotMeteorMaintenanceC2-N2 (Havoc Squad)StewardC2-N2 (Havoc Squad)
Voidhound's XS FreighterCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersVoidhound (Pilot and Captain)Corso RiggsC2-N2 (Voidhound) (Steward and Maintenance)Risha Drayen (Passenger)DroidsBMF-GNK-A01 DroidGonk Droid (Passenger)RolesPilotVoidhoundCaptainVoidhoundMaintenanceC2-N2 (Voidhound)StewardC2-N2 (Voidhound)
Flight CommanderMembershipRepublic NavyJudin
CaptainMembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterVoidhound
Communications OfficerMembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteKira Carsen
PilotMembershipHavoc Squad's BT-7MeteorHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteHero of TythonBarsen'thor's Defender-class CorvetteBarsen'thorVoidhound's XS FreighterVoidhound
MaintenanceMembershipHavoc Squad's BT-7C2-N2 (Havoc Squad)Hero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteC2-N2 (Hero of Tython)Barsen'thor's Defender-class CorvetteC2-N2 (Barsen'thor)Voidhound's XS FreighterC2-N2 (Voidhound)
StewardMembershipHavoc Squad's BT-7C2-N2 (Havoc Squad)Hero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteC2-N2 (Hero of Tython)Barsen'thor's Defender-class CorvetteC2-N2 (Barsen'thor)Voidhound's XS FreighterC2-N2 (Voidhound)
AstromechMembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteT7-O1
Complete list

Full unit name: Recruitment into Coruscant Aegis Last updated: 17.08.2024 0:05:52